Phonological Awareness Test: Normative Update - 2nd Edition (PAT-2)
Carolyn Robertson, MEd, and Wanda Salter, MS, CCC-SLP
Ages: 5 - 9 years
Testing Time: 40 Minutes
Administration: Individual
The PAT 2 is a comprehensive assessment of children's phonological awareness, phoneme-grapheme correspondences, and phonetic decoding skills. Test results help educators focus on aspects of a child's oral language that may not be systematically targeted in classroom reading instruction.
PAT-2NU-1 Test Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $248.00
PAT-2NU-2 Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104.00
PAT-2NU-3 Decoding Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47.00
PAT-2NU-4 Graphemes Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37.00
PAT-2NU-5 Examiner's Record Booklets (25) . . . . . . . . . . . 54.00
PAT-2NU-6 Colored Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$8.00
Features and Benefits:
- Assesses a student's awareness of the oral language segments that comprise words (i.e., syllables and phonemes).
- Includes a wide variety of tasks; performance on each of these tasks has been correlated with success in early reading and spelling.
- Straightforward, developmental format lets the administrator easily tease out specific skills and plan effective interventions.
- Provides the reliable results needed to create an individual treatment plan for each student.
The PAT 2 comprises nine subtests:
- Rhyming: Discrimination and Production—Identify rhyming pairs and provide a rhyming word.
- Segmentation: Sentences, Syllables, and Phonemes—Divide by words, syllables and phonemes.
- Isolation: Initial, Final, Medial—Identify sound position in words.
- Deletion: Compound Words, Syllables, and Phonemes—Manipulate root words, syllables, and phonemes in words.
- Substitution With Manipulatives—Isolate a phoneme in a word, then change it to another phoneme to form a new word.
- Blending: Syllables and Phonemes—Blend units of sound together to form words.
- Graphemes—Assess knowledge of sound/symbol correspondence for consonants, vowels, consonant blends, consonant digraphs, r-controlled vowels, vowel digraphs, and diphthongs.
- Decoding—Assess general knowledge of sound/symbol correspondence to blend sounds into nonsense words.
- Invented Spelling (optional)—Write words to dictation to show encoding ability.

Raw scores for each subtest, each section (phonological awareness and phoneme-grapheme correspondence), and the total test can be converted to age equivalents, percentile ranks, and standard scores.
Technical Information:
The PAT 2 was standardized on 1,582 individuals who represented the latest national census for race, gender, age, and educational placement.
Reliability was established using SEM, inter-rater reliability, test-retest reliability, and reliability based on item homogeneity. Reliability test results were highly satisfactory for the total test at all age levels.
Validity was established using content validity, which reflects the necessary phonological awareness skills of elementary age students. Analyses show a highly satisfactory ability to differentiate individuals requiring special reading services from those developing reading skills normally.
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