Rosemary Huisingh, Carolyn LoGiudice, Jane Orman Linda Bowers 

Ages:  12 and up
Administration: Individual; 30 minutes

    The Word Test 2 Adolescent measures a student's facility with language and word meaning using common and unique contexts. The test surveys six semantic and vocabulary skill areas reflective of curriculum vocabulary and everyday language usage. Each of the six subtests is comprised of 15 items.
The WORD Test 2 - Adolescent
1. Associations - Students choose the one semantically 
    unrelated word among four words and explain the choice
    in relation to the category of the other three words
2. Synonyms - Students give a one-word synonym for each 
    stimulus word 
Six Subtests Assess Vocabulary By:                                     
3. Semantic Absurdities- Students identify and repair an 
    absurd statement.
4. Antonyms - Students express a one-word opposite
5. Definitions - Students are asked to define words
6. Flexible Word Use - Students give multiple meanings 
    for words
All new stimulus items taken directly from age-appropriate classroom curriculum to test the words students need to know
All new norms that provide age equivalency, percentile rank, and standard score for each subtest and total test
All new diagnostic information offering concrete suggestions for remediation based on test performance
Plastic storage case.
Examiner Qualifications:                                            
The test should only be administered by a trained professional familiar with language disorders (e.g., speech-language pathologist, psychologist, teacher of the learning disabled, special education consultant).
Test Procedures:                                                       
Each task begins with a demonstration item.
All test items are presented verbally in a conversational style to the students.
Each task is presented in its entirety to every student.
Discussion of Performance:                                   
   The Discussion of Performance section in the Examiner's Manual guides the examiner to make appropriate and educationally-relevant recommendations for remediation based on a clear understanding of each subtest. Subskills for each task area are delineated and instructional suggestions are offered.
  The Word Test 2 Adolescent was standardized on 1,692 subjects. Demographics reflect the national school population from the 2000 National Census for race, gender, age, and educational placement.
Standardization and Statistics:                      
  • Established by the use of test-retest and internal consistency methods. 
  • Reliability coefficient for the total test was highly satisfactory at .89.  
  • SEM for the total test was strong at 5.50.  
  • Internal consistency (KR20 reliability coefficients) was highly satisfactory for all tasks and the total test.)
  • established by the use of content validity and internal consistency analyses.
  • Contrasted groups analysis shows the test clearly discriminates subjects with typical language development from subjects with language disorders for every task and the total test at all age levels.
  • Task intercorrelations and average correlations between the tasks and the total test ranged from .89 to .93 across all age levels.
Race/Socioeconomic Group Difference Analyses
  • Conducted at the item and subtest levels.  
  • Differences at the item level were analyzed utilizing z-tests for racial differences.  
  • Differences at the subtest level were analyzed utilizing Chi Square Analysis and Analysis of Variance F-tests.
  • There were no consistent differences in racial performance.
  • Examiner's Manual
  • Test Forms (20)
 WTA-2 Complete Kit Includes: