Test of Early Language Development - 4th Edition (TELD-4)
D. Kim Reid • Wayne P. Hresko • Donald D. Hammill
Ages: 3.0 - 7.11 years
Testing Time: 15 to 45 minutes
Administration: Individual
Scoring: Manual or Online
The TELD-4 is a highly reliable and valid measure of spoken language in children ages 3 years 0 months through 7 years 11 months. Like the previous edition, the test yields Receptive Language and Expressive Language subtest index scores, as well as a Spoken Language index score.
TELD-4-1 Complete Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $515.00
TELD-4-2 Examiners Manual. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $137.00
TELD-4-3 Picture Book (A&B). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $192.00
TELD-4-4 Form A Examiner Record Booklets(25) . . .$93.00
TELD-4-5 Form B Examiner Record Booklets(25) . . $93.00

All users now have access to the new optional PC-, Mac-, Chromebook-, and tablet-compatible TELD-4 Online Scoring and Report System via activation codes that are included in each package of TELD-4 Examiner Record Booklets. This system is a quick, efficient tool for (a) entering test session data; (b) converting subtest item scores or total raw scores into scaled scores; (c) generating composite index scores, percentile ranks, and upper and lower confidence intervals; (d) comparing TELD-4 scores to identify significant intraindividual differences; and (e) obtaining a score summary or narrative report. Use of the software ensures accurate application of basals and ceilings and calculation of scores.
COMPLETE TELD-4 KIT INCLUDES: Examiner’s Manual, Picture Book, 25 Examiner Record Booklets Form A, and 25 Examiner Record Booklets Form B.
- Demographics: The TELD-4 was standardized on a representative sample of 1,074 children representing 32 states and 292 different zip codes.
- Reliability: Extensive studies of test reliability (coefficient alpha, test-retest, immediate and delayed alternate forms, and interscorer) support the use of the TELD-4 with individual students. Average coefficient alphas for the full normative sample range from .95 to .97 for subtests and the composite.
- Validity: Content-description validity was established through careful selection of items, controlled vocabulary, construct review by a panel of language experts, conventional item analysis, as well as analysis of the test floors, ceilings, and item gradients, and differential item functioning. Criterion-prediction validity was established by (a) correlating TELD-4 standard scores with commercially available measures of reading ability (i.e., PLS-5, TACL-4, and TEXL), (b) comparing means and standard deviations between the TELD-4 and criterion tests, and (c) computing sensitivity, specificity, and ROC/AUC statistic. Construct-identification validity was established by studying (a) the relationship of the TELD-4 standardized scores with age, academic achievement, and intelligence; (b) the ability of the test’s standard scores to differentiate groups with known language problems from those without such problems; and (c) the factorial fit of the subtests to the construct in the test model (i.e., spoken language).
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