The Slosson Auditory Perceptual Skill Screener (SAPSS) is a well-standardized, norm-referenced assessment of a child’s ability to perceive auditory information.  The SAPSS is helpful in diagnosing children with learning disabilities, auditory-perceptual deficiencies, and auditory processing disorders.
Slosson Auditory Perceptual
Skill Screener (SAPSS)
Quantity Instructor Discount Available for the SAPSS.....Refer to Promos Page
Subtests and Administration:
Bradley T. Erford
Age:  5 through 10 years
Administration:  Individual; 15 minutes

  The three subtests include Auditory Word Discrimination, Auditory Figure-Ground, and Auditory Filtered Words. Each subtest is an important component of auditory-perception, auditory processing, and language skills.  An Auditory Reception subtest is available to assess a child’s basic auditory acuity. The subtests are administered using a standardized audiotape, tape recorder, and headphones.
  The SAPSS allows the conversions of raw scores to standard scores, percentile ranks, interpretive ranges and age-equivalents for each subtest individually. All three subtests can be combined into a Total Standard Score and percentile rank.
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SAPSS Complete Kit includes:
  • Manual
  • Scoring/Profile Forms (50)
  • Audio CD