Gray Diagnostic Reading Tests–Second Edition (GDRT-2)
Brian R. Bryant • J. Lee Wiederholt • Diane P. Bryant
GDRT-2-1    Complete Test Kit ........ $314.00
GDRT-2-2    Examiner's Manual........ $94.00
GDRT-2-3    Student Book Form A......$66.00
GDRT-2-4    Student Book Form B......$66.00
GDRT-2-5    Adventures in Fancyland..$9.00
GDRT-2-6    Examiner/Record Form A.$61.00
and Meaningful Reading. The three supplemental subtests, Listening Vocabulary, Rapid Naming, and Phonological Awareness, measure skills that many researchers and clinicians think have important roles in the diagnosis or teaching of developmental readers or children with dyslexia.

The GDRT-2 was normed in 2001-2002 on a sample of 1,018 students ages 6 through 18. The normative sample was stratified to correspond to key demographic variables (i.e., race, gender and geographic region). The reliabilities of the test are high; all average internal consistency reliabilities for the composites are .94 or above. Other major improvements include the addition of studies showing the absence of culture, gender, race, and disability bias, and several validity studies have been conducted, including a comparison of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Third Edition (WISC-III) to the GDRT-2.

  • Examiner's Manual
  • Adventures in Fancyland Storybook
  • Student Book Form A
  • Student Book Form B
  • 25 Examiner/Record Forms A
  • 25 Examiner/Record Forms B
  • all in a sturdy storage box.
User Qualifications Required ... See Order Form Here
Age: 6-0 to 13-11
Testing Time: 45 to 60 minutes
Administration: Individual

The Gray Diagnostic Reading Tests- Second Edition (GDRT-2) has been revised and updated to reflect current research in reading. The GDRT-2, a revision of the Gray Oral Reading Tests-Diagnostic (GORT-D), along with the Gray Oral Reading Tests- Fifth Edition (GORT-5) and the Gray Silent Reading Tests (GSRT), form the Gray reading test battery. The GDRT-2 assesses students who have difficulty reading continuous print and who require an evaluation of specific abilities and weaknesses. Two parallel forms are provided to allow you to study a student's reading progress over time. Teachers and reading specialists will find this test useful and efficient in gauging reading skills progress.

The GDRT-2 has four core subtests, each of which measures an important reading skill. The four subtests are: Letter/Word Identification, Phonetic Analysis, Reading Vocabulary,