Special Savings Offer!
The Diagnostic Screening Test Battery is designed to assist teachers, psychologists and counselors in quickly obtaining diagnostic information which can be immediately translated into practical, helpful classroom learning activities appropriate to each student’s individual needs. Each test booklet contains a section of recommendations for teaching. Once the test is scored, the suggestions relevant for that child can be promptly marked and handed immediately to the student‘s classroom teacher. Teachers administering these tests themselves soon find their students’ learning problems falling into one of the several general patterns, thereby making appropriate instructional grouping a relatively simple matter.
Diagnostic Screening Test Battery
Quantity Instructor Discount Available for the DST Battery.....Refer to Promos Page
1. DST: Math - Basic Computation and Specialized Skill
Sections, with equivalent Forms A and B available.
2. DST: Reading - Word Reading, Reading and Listening
Comprehension, with equivalent Forms A and B available.
Five Complete Kits in the DST Battery:
Save Over 10% when you order the DST Battery
3. DST: Spelling - Sight and Phonics spelling sections with
equivalent Forms A and B available.
4. DST: Language - Basics of Written English, Punctuations,
Spelling Rules, Sentence Structure, Grammar, and
5. DST: Achievement - Basic Concepts and Vocabulary in
Science, Social Studies, Literaure and the Arts.
Diagnostic Screening Test: Battery
(Click Individual DST Kits for Product Details)
* Note: If the DST: Battery contains subjects that are
not desired, each DST Kit in the Battery are also
available for purchase separately.