(SORT-R3)A Brief Measure of Reading Ability
Richard L. Slosson
Revised by:Charles L. Nicholson
Supplementary Manual:Sue Larson
Age:Preschool through Adult
Administration:3 to 5 minutes, Individual
The Slosson Oral Reading Test (SORT) has historically held a respected position in education as a quick screening test to determine a student’s reading level. The SORT-R3 continues in the tradition and purpose that Richard L. Slosson intended, remaining as a quick and reliable screening test. With the ability to target word recognition levels for children and adults, the SORT-R3 can be used for regular education testing populations and for many special testing populations.
Developed from several sources, such as Dolch and other reading references, the SORT-R3 Word Lists contain 200 words in groups of 20 words. Target words have been carefully selected to represent a steady progression of difficulty from preprimer through the high school level. The design and layout of this test allows for quick individual administration, taking 3-5 minutes on average to complete.
SORT-R3 Complete Kit includes:
- Scannable Score Sheets (Set of 50)
- Word Lists (14pt & 18pt Print; Spiral-Bound)
Quantity Instructor Discount Available for the SORT-R3.....Refer to Promos Page
Slosson Oral Reading Test-Revised
Nationally Restandardized:Norms represent 1,331
individuals from preschool to adults, across 24 states.
Five New Testing Features of the SORT-R3:
1.Three Different Print Sizes in the Word Lists:
14 point and 18 point print sizes are provided to help
serve a wide range of individuals with word size
preferences or handicaps. A 24 point Enlarged
Print Word Lists option is also available (not part of kit).
2.Instructions for Individuals with Verbal Impairments:
The SORT-R3 can adapt to individuals with any speech
defect, such as stuttering or speech impediments.
3.Details for Individuals in Adult Literacy Programs:
The SORT-R3 provides the examiner with administration
directions and additional scoring information.
4.Scannable Score Sheet:
Marked answers on the score sheet can tabulated and programmed for Scantron data collection.
5.Revised Manual:
The manual has been modified and reorganized,
containing comprehensive information that addresses
administration, statistics, and scoring.
Reading Recovery Teacher Leaders phase in the use of the SORT-R3 in 2013-2014 and are required to use it in 2014-2015 for International Data Evaluation Centers, (IDEC). IDEC strongly encourages all sites to purchase sufficient testing materials to test each child for completing the Observation Survey (RR, TNI, Random Sample students) at each testing period.
Updated Norms and Scoring Methods:
Save 20%
on Complete Kits of the SORT-R3
Validity with Correlations:Now complements the
Peabody Individual Achievement Test (PIAT) and
Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement in the .90s
and higher.
Grade and Age Equivalents:Confidence Intervals
of 95% and 99% have been established.
Scoring Modes:Standard Scores by Age and Grade Levels,T-Scores,Stanines,and Normal Curve Equivalents (NCEs) have all been updated.
Normative data in the SORT-R3 has been updated, with the addition of an “other” category that includes Native American, Asian-American, Hispanic-American, Pacific Island American, and other similar groups. However, the subjects must have been fluent in English, with English as their primary language.