Social Language Development Test - Adolescent (SLDT-A:NU)
Linda Bowers, MA, SLP, Rosemary Huisingh, MA, SLP, and Carolyn LoGiudice, MA, CCC-SLP
Ages: 12-17
Grades: 7-12
Administration: Individual; 45 minutes
    The SLDT:NU-A assesses students' language-based responses to portrayed, peer-to-peer situations. The test differentiates typically-developing adolescents from those with language learning disorders or autism.
     There are five sub-tests with 12 items each: Making Inferences, Interpreting Social Language, Problem Solving, Social Interpretation, and Interpreting Ironic Statements. Test stimuli include photographs, scenarios presented verbally by the examiner, and audio recordings of a CD. New validity studies demonstrate the test’s ability to differentiate students with autism spectrum disorder from typically developing students.
COMPLETE SLDT-A: NU KIT INCLUDES: Examiner's Manual, Scoring Standards and Example Responses Book, Picture Book, and 25 Examiner Record Booklets, all in a sturdy storage box.
New Features: 
  •   The norms have been updated to reflect the demographics of the 2016 U.S. Census.
  •     The normative sample (N = 868) is stratified by age relative to geographic region, gender, race, and ethnicity.
  •   New standard score metric for subtests and composites (M = 10, SD = 3; M = 100, SD = 15).
  •     All-new item analysis and item bias studies provide convincing evidence of content-description validity.
  •    All-new reliability and validity studies were prepared, including diagnostic accuracy analyses, which are considered the most rigorous techniques for establishing validity today. These analyses involve the computation of sensitivity and specificity indexes and the receiving operating characteristic/area under curve (ROC/AUC) statistic.
  •     The audio files for the Interpreting Ironic Statements subtest are available for use or download online.

Social Language Development Test - Elementary (SLDT-E:NU)
Ages: 6-11 years
​Grades: 1-6
Administration: Individual; 45 minutes 
    The SLDT:NU Elementary is designed to assess language-based skills of social interpretation and interaction with friends, the skills found to be most predictive of social language development. You will gain insight into your student's social understanding and social language competency.
    This test will substantiate the influence of your students' language disorders on their social disorders and qualify them for therapy. Sub-tests consist of question-answering tasks, interpretations of photographed scenes, and verbal explanations.

COMPLETE SLDT-E: NU KIT INCLUDES: Examiner's Manual, Scoring Standards and Example Responses Book, Picture Book, and 25 Examiner Record Booklets, all in a sturdy storage box.
New Features:
  •   Updated norms based on the 2015 U.S. Census.
  •   New standard score metric for subtests and composites (M=10, SD=3; M=100, SD=15).
  •   All new item analysis and item bias studies provide convincing evidence of content-description validity.
  •   All new reliability and validity studies were prepared, including diagnostic accuracy analyses, which are considered the most rigorous techniques for establishing validity today. These analyses involve the computation of sensitivity and specificity indexes and the receiving operating characteristic/area under curve statistic (ROC/AUC).

SLDT-ENU-1    Elementary Complete Kit . . . . . $266.00

SLDT-ANU-1    Adolescent Complete Kit . . . . . . 251.00
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