Age: Child through Adult
Administration:10 to 15 minutes
New Features:
- User friendly, normative data for multiple populations at your fingertips
- Extensive use of shading to enhance the rating experience and accurate look-up of data
- Table summaries of numerous reliability and validity studies.
The Aberrant Behavior Checklist (ABC) is a symptom checklist for assessing problem behaviors of children and adults with developmental disabilities (intellectual disability, ASD, cerebral palsy, epilepsy). It is also useful for classifying problem behaviors of children and adolescents with developmental disabilities at home, in educational settings, community-based facilities, and in developmental centers.
The ABC asks for: Setting where the person was observed and for presence/severity of functional limitations. Then 58 specific symptoms are rated and an extensive manual provides comprehensive descriptions for each assessed behavior. The checklist can be completed by parents, special educators, psychologists, direct caregivers, nurses and others with knowledge of the person being assessed.
The 58 Items Resolve into Five Subscales:
2.Social Withdrawal
3.Stereotypic Behavior
5.Inappropriate Speech
The Aberrant Behavior Checklist now includes combined community and residential manuals, so test administrators have user-friendly normative data for multiple populations,
all in one manual.
ABC-2 Combo Kit includes:
- Combo Manual (Community/Residential)
- Forms & Score Sheets (50) (Community/Residential)
Other Details of the Aberrant Behavior Checklist:
Empirically developed by factor analysis on data from 1,000 residents.
Average Subscale Scores are available for children/adults living in the community and for congregate care settings.
Translated into 35 foreign languages and dialects, the ABC has been employed in over 425 research studies.
An Extensive psychometric assessment of the ABC has indicated that the Subscales have high internal consistency, good reliability, and established validity.
Quantity Instructor Discount Available for the ABC.....Refer to Promos Page
ABC-2-1 Complete Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $218.75
ABC-2-1C Community Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .176.25
ABC-2-1R Residential Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .176.25
ABC-2-2 2nd Ed. Combo Manual . . . . . . . . . .133.75
ABC-2-3 2nd Ed. Community Forms (25) . . . . 62.25
ABC-2-4 2nd Ed. Residential Forms (25) . . . . 62.25
ABC-S1 EL Admin. Non-Profit Schools/Hosp . 2.00
ABC-S2 EL Admin. Corporate and Pharma. . . 2.50
Aberrant Behavior Checklist - 2nd Edition (ABC-2)
Michael G. Aman * Nirbhay N. Singh