Comprehension Skills Cards
Six key comprehension skills are featured in this boxed sets. Reading passages are sorted by level of difficulty-from low to high-so students can progress at their own individual pace. Specific Skill Questions follow each reading passage to assess student mastery of that particular skill. Skills are color-coded and numbered to ensure that you can find just the right skill at just the right reading level for each individual learner in your diverse classroom. Perfect for reinforcement and assessment. Ideal for large and small groups and as a center activity. Each set features between 350 and 450 questions.

Handy storage box includes 96 skill cards (2 each of 48 different cards) and teacher guide with response sheets, answer key, and progress chart. Cards measure 8.5" x11".
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Want your class to focus on a specific comprehension a specific reading level? If so, then these comprehensive programs is sure to help!
CCSS Level: 2-4*
Interest Level: 3-12
Reading Level: 2.0-3.5
Order here!
REM-1082A . . . .  $49.99
REM-1082B . . . .  $49.00