Edward J. Kelly / Revised by: Gary J. Vitali
Grades: Kindergarten through 12
Administration: Individual or Group; 15 to 20 minutes
Designed to address one of the most critical challenges in education and juvenile care - accurate identification of non- handicapped conduct problem children and adults - the DT/CEP is an effective and comprehensive screening instrument. It reliably differentiates between three critical populations: Conduct Disorder, Emotionally Disturbed, and noninvolved. The DT/CEP greatly facilitates the decision to place a student in special education or maintain a student that is already in regular education.
The autonomous conduct problem and emotional disturb- ance scales makes the DT/CEP ideal for mass screenings in both educational and private settings. The user friendly design and detailed manual allow this instrument to be reliably administered by paraprofessionals, allowing psychologists and counselors more time with disordered populations. The DT/CEP is statistically acountable as well as practical, while it generates relevant information for IEP meetings, parental or professional staffing, and especially for educational placement decisions.
Now Included in the DT/CEP Complete Kit!
Conduct Problem/Emotional Problem Interventions:
A Holistic Perspective (263 pages)
This supplementary book contains distinct intervention, screening, and parent strategies for conduct and emotional problems in a clear and practical language. A Holistic Perspective focuses beyond the single student and reaches out to family members, peer groups, community environments, and the school context in which a student functions. Gain ideas and support for dealing with individuals with conduct/emotional problems.
Differential Test of Conduct and
Emotional Problems (DT/CEP)
Chapter 1: Towards a Holistic Rethinking of Conduct
and Emotional Problems
DT/CEP Considerations Follow Four Subsections:
The Identification/Placement Crisis
Conduct Problem Realities
The Self-Perceived Bases of Emotional Disturbance Conditions
Screening and Diagnostic Issues
The DT/CEP is designed to effect differentiations between conduct problems, emotionally disturbed and noninvolved populations. Development of the DT/CEP stems from several related considerations which warrant extensive elaboration.
DT-1 DT/CEP Complete Kit......................
DT-3 Score Forms (50)................................
DT-4 Scoring Templates (Set of 2)...............
CEP-1 Conduct Problem/Emotional Problem
Interventions: A Holistic Perspective.....
DT-2 Manual..............................................
Quantity Instructor Discount Available for the DT/CEP.....Refer to Promos Page
Chapter 2: Conduct Problem Realities
Chapter 3: Emotional Disturbance as a Self-Perceived Entity
Chapter 4: Holistic Screening and Diagnostic Process
Chapter 5: Conduct Problem and Emotional Disturbance
Programming: The Need for Systemic Change
Chapter 6: Holistic Parent Involvement
Chapter 7: Conduct Problem Interventions
Chapter 8: Emotional Disturbance Therapy
Chapter 9: A Holistic View of Conduct and Emotional
Problems: Final Considerations
Standardization and Reliability:
Scales standardized on 2,367 public school children (Grades K-12).
Standardization sample approximates the current U.S. census with respect to sex, race and ethnic groups.
Contains internal consistency correlations of .81 and .92.
100 day test-retest reliabilities of .91 and .85 were obtained for perspective conduct problem and emotional disturbance scales.
DT/CEP Complete Kit includes:
- Scoring Templates (Set of 2)
- Conduct Problem/Emotional Problem Interventions