About Us
Our Objectives
About Us
Publish products on the premise that all individuals should have the ability of being properly tested to maximize their potential.
Established in 1962, Slosson Educational Publications, Inc. is a developer and publisher of educational and remedial products tailored to meet the standards of our industry.
Help educational professionals to facilitate each student’s academic progress and social development by establishing appropriate goals and providing instruction.
To support and act as a resource for classroom teachers working with students with special needs.
Our Products
We specialize in tests that are one-on-one screening instruments to maximize an individual's ability.
The Slosson Oral Reading Test-Revised 3 (SORT-R3) has been used by common core curriculum tutoring programs and learning centers to see if students are improving in reading and is being used by the IDEC.
With a diverse range of products that span multiple categories, our team at Slosson Educational Publications are available and willing to assist customers, authors and advisors with any inquiry.